Must Know Indonesian Words

Bali, Indonesia's dazzling jewel, warmly welcomes explorers to explore its lush beauty and unique culture. Although English is frequently spoken, familiarizing yourself with a few key Indonesian phrases will augment your experience and strengthen ties with locals. To get you started on your Bali expedition, this blog will teach you four must-know Indonesian words.

Bagus - Good, Ok

"Bagus" means ok or good! It’s one of the most commonly used words so start adding it to your vocabulary now.

Terima Kasih - Thank You

Express gratitude with "Terima Kasih" to show appreciation for the Balinese hospitality and traditions.

Selamat Pagi - Good Morning

Start your mornings right with "Selamat Pagi" to greet locals and fellow travelers warmly.

Sama Sama - You're Welcome

Respond graciously to thanks with "Sama Sama" and acknowledge the Balinese customs.

Permisi - Excuse Me

Use "Permisi" to navigate crowded areas politely and show respect for personal space or if you would like someone’s attention.

Embrace these four essential Indonesian words - Bagus, Terima Kasih, Selamat Pagi, Sama Sama, and Permisi - to enrich your Bali journey and connect with the heartwarming spirit of the island. Selamat jalan! (Safe travels!)


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